Solar Lighting brings CSR opportunities
Solar Lighting brings CSR opportunities
SolarMaxx Solar Street cum Outdoor Lights have been a popular product for companies indulging in sustainable CSR.
Majority factory, mine or construction workers are residents of nearby villages. These villages, even though may have electricity, do not generally have any outdoor street lighting facility. Movement in the dark lanes of these villages is in deed challenging and dangerous. With SolarMaxx Solar Street Lighting that is equipped with automatic dusk to dawn operation using the latest technology Lithium Ion batteries and state of the art SolarMaxx Solar Panels, villagers do not have to face the darkness anymore!
SolarMaxx integrated Solar outdoor Lights are a break-through in the solar lighting arena. All-In-One Solar Light is a new age and compact lighting solution integrating Solar panels, LED light, Lithium-ion battery and a PIR motion sensor.
In the challenging terrains of hilly Hiamachal Pradesh or the deserts of Rajasthan, several villages that are still not connected to the grid, have benefited with such solar lighting solutions donated and maintained by organisations indulging in CSR.
Solarmaxx Solar Lighting System is ideal for places where we do not have continuous power supply or there is no power connection, voltage fluctuations are very frequent, the area is un-even, it is a rocky, mountainous region that prevents proper wiring installations, areas within national sanctuary/forest premises or in a similar green belt with restrictions on use of high voltage electricity. An initial investment that gets self financed over the period, these solar lights have a reasonable pay back period. Why think further, take the initiative to make your planet green and support several such areas around your on in the remote villages in India that are still deprived of proper lighting and electricity.