Earth Hour Pledge to Save Nature
Earth Hour 2020 – Let Us Pledge to Save Nature
While the Corona virus pandemic is creating a crisis world over, the Earth Hour is going to mark an hour of solidarity as all of us unite virtually today at 8:30pm to focus on “Climate Action” for sustainable development. Let us turn of the lights for 60 minutes and pledge to support nature and secure our environment.
Celebrating an hour for our planet Earth not only encourages conversations on protecting nature but also each one of our happiness, health and survival in the future.
Think Green while you Stay at Home
With the nationwide lock down we can already feel the freshness in the air, tonight during Earth Hour take a look at the night sky and notice the number of stars – with lights off and reduced pollution – notice the beauty our nature has to offer us. Let us work towards saving the planet and act towards climate crisis now.
Take a Pledge
Pledge with your family members to create your own systems at home because even a small initiative from your end can save big for the planet. Some activities that you can give a thought starting from today could be :
-Creating an energy efficient plan at home – to reduce energy consumption
-Saving water and planning for rain water harvesting
-Create a system to reduce waste, reuse items and recycle whats possible.
-Give a thought to environment conscious living
At last, encourage your children to take part in our online creative writing contest by writing their thoughts on the topic “Climate Change and the World I want to Live in”. Email it to us at change@solarmaxx.co.in or you may visit http://www.solarmaxx.co.in/change/ to learn more about the same.
While you enjoy a candle lit dinner tonight March 28, 2020 – 8:30pm at Earth Hour don’t forget to take a moment to switch off and reflect on the importance of nature and see what can you do to help.