Beating Air Pollution With Solar
World Environment Day 2019: Beating air pollution with solar
The massive air pollution today needs big solar and a lot of it. Solar energy is a clean form of energy and the technology is now ready to serve the world in a big way. We need to take steps now to reduce the use of fossil fuels and address the issues of climate change.
World Environment Day 2019 Theme
“On World Environment Day, I ask each of us to act so we can breathe more easily. From pressuring politicians and businesses to changing our own habits, we can reduce pollution and beat climate change.” – António Guterres, Secretary General, United Nations. “The theme for this year’s World Environment Day is air pollution. All around the world — from megacities to small villages – people are breathing dirty air. An estimated nine out of ten people worldwide are exposed to air pollutants that exceed World Health Organization air quality guidelines. This is lowering life expectancy and damaging economies across the planet.” Added the UN Secretary General in his message on World Environment Day 2019.
World Environment Day 2018 was Hosted by India
The theme for 2018’s World Environment Day was “Beat Plastic Pollution”. The host nation was India. This years host is China. By choosing the anti plastic theme, it was aimed that people may strive to change their everyday lives to reduce the heavy burden of plastic pollution. People should be free from the over-reliance on single-use or disposables, as they have severe environmental consequences. The Indian government pledged to eliminate all single use of plastic in India by 2022.
Significance of the Environment Day
The observance of such days and involvement of countries does create a mass movement and helps address issues of public concern. The celebration of world environment day since 1974 is helping the people of the world aware on how they can help individually in supporting global issues.
Energy Production and Air Pollution
“At the heart of modern society lies an economy driven by energy use. Unfortunately, the same energy that brings us comfort, convenience, and prosperity also brings us pollution, impoverishment, and global warming.
Our challenge is to maximize the benefits gained from energy consumption while minimizing the costs incurred.”
– Douglas Foy
Most energy produced today is out of burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal, nautral gas). Most combustion byproducts have negative effects on the environment and human health. Environmental concerns over air pollution and the potential for global warming may encourage wider access to alternative energy sources such as nuclear power and wind or solar energy. Coal represents an alternative fossil fuel with a potentially longer life span than either oil or gas but it has the unfortunate distinction of generating more pollution than the other fossil fuels. Furthermore, coal produces more carbon dioxide during combustion than either oil or gas, but all three have been fingered as the primary sources of the greenhouse gas that is the culprit for global warming. Thankfully now India has realised and for the first time the country is investing more in renewable power than coal.
Gone are the days when industrial air pollution was viewed as a by-product of economic growth. The burning of fossil fuels represents a major source of air pollutants and cleaner air will therefore be an indirect by-product of any change in energy production in the years ahead.
Health effects of the pollution we cause
Exposure to emissions of lead, mercury, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, carbon dioxide, and ozone-forming nitrogen dioxides are hazardous to public health. Toxic compounds, like mercury and lead, poison organ systems and can lead to brain damage and death. In parts of the country where lakes and waterways have been contaminated with mercury from electric power plants, fish are no longer safe to eat because they, too, are contaminated with heavy metal pollutants. Other pollutants, like ozone and particulate matter, cause respiratory and other health problems, particularly in children and the elderly.
Alternate Energy – the answer
Renewable energy is environment friendly but its future potential is dependent upon the rate of technological advancement and operating costs. Now Solar Power has come to a pace where it is soon to become a common mans basic utility item. Solar companies are aggressively reaching out through various products and the right technological means to help at the grass-root levels and undertake large scale solar projects. New technologies associated with solar and wind energy are now the future of energy. With the growing research and product development now petroleum as the energy source of choice for transportation will also be gradually replaced with electronic vehicles everywhere.
Beating Air pollution with Solar Energy
Solar panels do not generate any kind of green house gases when generating electricity. Moreover they are recyclable.
Solar is a renewable, sustainable form of energy that can lessen your environmental impact and save lots of money in the process. Solar and a lot of solar can help reduce the dependence on coal and other fossil fuel based sources of power. Switching to solar power is a big decision but our goal at SolarMaxx is to make it as easy as possible for you. The more homes and businesses that rely on solar power means less toxic emissions from fossil fuels into our air. Solar power has wide-ranging benefits for our planet, especially when it comes to our environment.
From reducing greenhouse gases, improving our air quality and conserving our precious water, solar energy can help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and lower energy prices for decades to come. Let us help reduce your energy costs and secure the planet by investing in solar power for your premise.
Let us pledge to save the environment, today, tomorrow and everyday.